Are you staying in workforce housing for the first time? We have a quick list of some dos and don’ts of being a good neighbor! Don’t forget to follow these unwritten rules during your time to make things go much easier for you!
It doesn’t matter that you aren’t living at home. Make our place feel like your home! Bring photos of loved ones, books and games! If you have that special kitchen tool, you should bring that too! This will make your stay much more enjoyable in the long run.
Brining bags and bags of items is a bad idea. It will make travelling that much harder and you might feel cramped. At Eagle Ford Village, you only really need the essentials. We provide almost anything you need. You should focus on items that will make your leisure time feel more enjoyable.
Take advantage of all our amenities we have! From the fitness center to the great outdoors. We are here to make sure that you can relax and wind down after a long day. Try to settle in as best and you can and enjoy your stay with us, no matter how long or short.
You have a duty as a neighbor in our community to stay respectful of others. Don’t leave trash lying around, and try to keep noise to a minimum. Getting along with your neighbors is a great way to make friends.
It may be tempting to go out and spend lots of money while you are here in Dilley. Try to focus on saving up so when you get back home you can enjoy more things. We have everything you need to help you save. Full kitchens, laundry and a games room!
Looking to get workforce housing for your team? Contact us today for our great rates.